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What to do in case of an emergency in Spain

January 16, 2024

While living abroad can be a unique and exciting experience, there are times when you may have an emergency abroad. This could be anything from a car accident, stolen passport, or medical issues. You should have a plan for each of these situations and know the proper emergency numbers or authorities to get in contact with. 

Read below about common emergency situations and learn what to do in case of an emergency in Spain

holding hands during emergency in Spain


National Emergency Numbers in Spain

In Spain, the emergency number is 112. This is similar to 911 in the United States or 999 in the United Kingdom. In fact, 112 is the emergency number all throughout Europe. 

By calling this number in the event of a health issue, accident, or situation of risk, you will be provided with a wealth of emergency services. It is recommended that this is the first number that you contact during an emergency due to the more immediate and rapid response of the local authorities. 

Via the 112 number, the support agent will be able to redirect you to a more specialised service, including:

  • Ambulance: 061
  • Fire department: 080
  • National police: 091
  • Local police: 092

Embassies and Consulates in Spain

Your country's embassy and consular network will be able to assist you with large-scale emergencies that impact their citizens. It is important to register at your local embassy in Spain; this ensures they know your whereabouts and how to contact you or your relatives. It also provides citizens living or traveling abroad with updates regarding travel warnings and alerts and other important information. Here is a list of Embassies and Consulates in Spain.

Register online with the Embassy before you leave your home country or as soon as you arrive in your new country. You can also call or email your Embassy, or visit them during their working hours with a previously-arranged appointment. 

Common emergencies that Embassies may be able to assist with:

  • Loss or theft of documents, such as a passport
  • Arrest or crime
  • Abduction
  • Natural disaster
  • Terrorist attack or political crisis
  • Financial emergency
  • Repatriation

Embassies and consulates usually have an emergency number that can be used in the event of a genuine emergency. The use of this number is strictly confined to incidents of an exceptional nature, which cannot be addressed within normal working hours. Get in contact with your local embassy to find out what their emergency number is. 

Common emergencies and what to do

Lost or Stolen Passport or Identification

One of the common setbacks abroad is the loss or theft of documents. At all times, any theft should be reported to the local Spanish authorities so they can follow up and conduct the proper investigative procedures. 

In the case of a stolen or lost passport, your country's Embassy or consulate will be able to assist you in processing a new one. In some cases, they can issue you an emergency passport or renewal, if needed for travel or other purposes. Call your Embassy or book an appointment with them. You may be required to provide proof of identity or other relevant documentation. 

In the case of a lost or stolen identification document, such as a national ID, you will want to contact the local Spanish authorities so that they can follow up and conduct the proper investigative procedures. They will also direct you to the relevant services to begin the renewal process of receiving a new document. If your identification is from your home country, such as a driver's license, you will have to contact the relevant authorities in your country of origin. 

Travel Delays or Lost Belongings

When dealing with travel delays, lost belongings, or even canceled flights or trains in Spain, you need to get in contact with the service provider to find out relevant information. They will be able to tell you when the next flight or train will be and book you in. In the case of lost belongings, they will be able to locate it according to the reference number, and in the case that it cannot be found, direct you to the proper reclamation department. 

These types of situations are common whilst traveling, and it is recommended that you get travel insurance to ensure coverage. Many insurance companies include travel coverages in their health or car insurance plans, so check your policy. Discover Caser Expat Insurance's travel coverage. 


In the event of arrest in Spain, you have the right to request that the authorities put you in immediate contact with the Embassy or consulate of your country of origin. Embassies can provide assistance to detainees including notifying family, visiting the detainee regularly, and delivering messages and correspondence. 

Besides this, the local authorities will let you know your rights to a lawyer and other legal services. If you already have a lawyer, it is recommended to call them before discussing anything related to your arrest. 

Medical Issues

When you're living abroad, you will inevitably face medical issues, whether it be something as common as a cold or as serious as a heart attack. While traveling, things like food poisoning or broken bones can also occur. In Spain, you will have access to the public healthcare system, but it's always a good idea to purchase private health insurance for extra or specialised coverages. 

Caser Expat Insurance offers a variety of healthcare policies:

Car Accident or Car Robbery

Car troubles, such as accidents, theft, and vandalism, can be a headache when you're on the road on your adventures. Besides alerting the local Spanish authorities, your insurance company is the entity that will be most involved during these situations. It is compulsory to have car insurance in Spain, and many companies or car rental services offer travel auto insurance

Caser Expat Insurance offers a variety of auto insurance policies:


In the event of the death of a family member or loved one abroad, the proper country Embassy or consulate should be notified, along with the local authorities. With Caser's funeral insurance, you can make arrangements for yourself and family members, including repatriation of the deceased to the country of origin, a staggered pricing model, global coverage, and excess refund. 

Armed with all this information, you will be able to have an emergency plan and purchase the proper insurances to provide support along the way. For expats living in Spain, Caser Expat Insurance is there to help you with everything from health to home to car insurance. 

Download Free Guide:  How to choose the right Caser Health Insurance Policy


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