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Postpartum appointments after giving birth in Spain

May 9, 2024

Welcoming a new life into the world is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful experiences a woman can have. However, amidst the joy and excitement of childbirth, it's crucial not to overlook the importance of postpartum care. In Spain, postpartum appointments play a significant role in ensuring the health and well-being of both the mother and the newborn. In this blog post, we will delve into the postpartum care system in Spain, highlighting the essential appointments new mothers should attend. Additionally, we'll explore how Caser Expat Insurance can provide valuable coverage for the postpartum period, offering peace of mind during this transitional time.

mum lifting child after postpartum appointment

Postpartum Care in Spain

After giving birth in Spain, new mothers can organize their postpartum appointments through the country's public or private healthcare system. This care is designed to monitor the mother's physical and emotional well-being, as well as the baby's development in the crucial weeks following childbirth. Typically, maternal care in Spain involves a series of postpartum appointments with healthcare professionals, including midwives, obstetricians, and pediatricians.

checklist for new moms in spain giving birth

Why is postpartum care important for new mothers?

Your health is always important, but at this delicate time, it’s especially important to be meeting with the right professionals and getting specific care for the post-birth period. Postpartum healthcare delves into: 

  • Maternal recovery: The postpartum period marks a phase of physical healing and adjustment. During this time, women may experience various physical discomforts, including uterine cramping, vaginal soreness, perineal pain, and breast engorgement. Your medical team will manage these discomforts effectively, promoting a faster and smoother recovery process.
  • Childbirth complications: Conditions such as postpartum hemorrhage or preeclampsia can occur in the weeks following delivery and may require prompt medical intervention. They will identify any signs of complications early on, and initiate appropriate treatment or referrals as needed, thus reducing the risk of adverse outcomes.
  • Emotional needs: After giving birth you may experience a significant emotional adjustment, characterized by fluctuations in mood, anxiety, and fatigue. Many women experience postpartum blues, while others may develop more severe conditions such as postpartum depression or anxiety disorders. Medical professionals will help new mothers navigate these challenges and promote their overall well-being.
  • Breastfeeding: Breastfeeding provides numerous health benefits for both the mother and the baby, including enhanced bonding, improved immunity, and reduced risk of chronic diseases. Healthcare providers can offer guidance on breastfeeding or bottle feeding techniques, address common concerns and challenges, and provide assistance with lactation issues.


First Postpartum Appointment

The first postpartum appointment usually takes place within the first week after childbirth. During this visit, in Spain, your healthcare provider, normally a matrona (midwife), will assess the mother's physical and emotional recovery from childbirth and the first days with their newborn at home. 

For the mother, this visit may involve:

  • Physical examination: Check vital signs like blood pressure and heart rate, assess the abdominal area and c-section scar, pelvic examination to ensure your vagina, uterus, and cervix are healing, check repairs to the perineum (due to vaginal tearing or an episiotomy), check the health of your breasts.
  • Emotional evaluation: Asses your mental and emotional wellbeing with a series of questions about feelings of anxiety, depression, etc.
  • Family planning: Discuss the best birth control options safe to use while breastfeeding, intrauterine device (IUD) implantation, etc. Discuss when it's safe to return to sexual activity or any other issues related to sex postpartum.
  • Nutrition and exercise: Discuss a diet to support breastfeeding (if relevant), as well as exercises you can start incorporating into your routine. 
  • Vaccinations: Discuss vaccinations that may be necessary to keep you from getting sick.

For the baby, this visit may involve:

  • Feeding: Demonstrate breast or bottle feeding so the healthcare professional care evaluate if the baby is feeding correctly. 
  • Measurements: The baby’s weight and length are often noted. Sometimes newborn reflexes are tested. 
  • Questions: The export will ask the mother development questions about their baby according to the baby’s age. The mother can ask questions or share concerns about caring for their baby. 

mother holding her child at postpartum appointment

Follow-Up Appointments

Subsequent postpartum appointments with the matrona are scheduled at regular intervals to monitor the mother and baby's progress. These appointments typically occur at three to four weeks postpartum, and then again after several months; however, the intervals of these appointments will be confirmed with your healthcare provider after your first appointment. 

During these follow-up visits, healthcare providers continue to assess the mother's physical and emotional health, offering support and guidance as needed. Apart from this, the baby will have their own schedule of appointments with their pediatrician to monitor their growth and development milestones and get their baby vaccinations.

Mental Health Support

Postpartum care in Spain prioritizes emotional well-being. Healthcare professionals are trained to recognize the signs of postpartum depression and provide support and resources to mothers experiencing mental health challenges after childbirth. Support groups and counseling services may be available to help new mothers navigate the ups and downs of the postpartum period, promoting mental wellness for both mother and baby.

Caser Expat Insurance Coverage

While Spain's public healthcare system provides comprehensive postpartum care, expats living in the country may opt for private health insurance for additional coverage and convenience. Caser Expat Insurance offers specialized healthcare plans tailored to the needs of expatriates, including coverage for postpartum care. Caser’s benefits and coverage include: 

  • Medical experts: Access to a network of experienced obstetricians, midwives, and pediatricians.
  • Postpartum care: Coverage for postpartum appointments, including consultations, tests, and follow-up care. It is offered through a digital assessment of the general condition of the mother and newborn after childbirth, providing tips on baby care, help and advice on breastfeeding, training in pelvic floor rehabilitation, as well as clearing up queries concerning care.
  • Psychology coverage: Caser offers 15-20 individual psychology sessions per insured person per year. The prescription of a medical professional from our medical directory if licensed experts is always necessary.
  • Language support: Multilingual customer support for expats living in Spain.
  • Healthcare plans: 6 flexible healthcare plans tailored to individual needs and budgets.
  • More: If that’s not enough, discover 7 reasons to get private maternity insurance in Spain


Postpartum care is a vital aspect of childbirth, ensuring the health and well-being of both mother and baby during the critical weeks following delivery. In Spain, new mothers will perform a series of postpartum appointments, where they will meet with professionals with a focus on physical and emotional wellness. With Caser Expat Insurance, expats living in Spain will receive specialized coverage for their first postpartum appointment through all checkups, and peace of mind during this transformative time. By prioritizing postpartum care, mothers can embark on their journey of parenthood with confidence and support.

Download Free Guide: Pre-birth checklist for new mothers in Spain




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