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What are the types of fertility treatments in Spain?

October 1, 2024

If you’ve been trying to form a family for a while with no success, you’re not alone in this frustrating journey. Many couples struggle with infertility; in fact, the World Health Organization estimates that 17.5% of the global adult population experience infertility.

Infertility can be suspected when you’ve been trying to conceive without success for 12 months (or for 6 months for women over the age of 35 years old). Luckily, there are many fertility treatments in Spain you can explore.

In this article, we will detail the steps to first understand your infertility, factors to consider when looking into treatment, the treatment options available to you in Spain, and types of fertility treatments provided through Caser Expat Insurance. Start reading below to find out more. 

Infertility testing

One of the first things that your medical team will seek to understand is the cause of your infertility. Before infertility testing, your health care team or clinic works to understand your reproductive habits and perform a fertility study. They will make recommendations, but if these suggestions don’t work, the next step is usually infertility testing for men and women.

  • Male infertility testing can involve: semen analysis, hormone testing, genetic testing, testicular biopsy, or imaging.
  • Female infertility testing can involve: ovulation testing, thyroid testing, hysterosalpingography, ovarian reserve testing, hormone testing, imaging, hysteroscopy, or laparoscopy. 

What affects your fertility treatment options?

Fertility treatment options depend on a range of factors including age, cause and length of infertility, as well as the types of fertility treatments you’re willing to try and that are available in your country and insurance–and don’t forget your budget! Without insurance, the cost of fertility treatments can be high.

Additionally, you may want to choose from the best fertility centers in Spain, and their services and coverages can vary. 

A mother with her baby after a fertility treatment.

Types of fertility treatments in Spain

Spain has become a reference in Europe and throughout the world for fertility treatments due to its legislation on assisted reproduction, as well as being high-quality and cost-effective. One positive facet of Spain’s fertility assistance includes access for everyone regardless of their residency, place of origin, marital status, gender, or sexual orientation.

Currently, only two reproductive treatments are outlawed in Spain: selection of the sex of the baby for non-therapeutic purposes and surrogate pregnancy.

Below find the most common types of fertility treatments offered in Spain:

Artificial insemination: First, the female participant must prepare with hormone therapy to stimulate ovarian follicle growth prior to egg harvest. Then the sperm is artificially delivered directly into the cervix or uterus. This can be a recommended method for couples who have poor sperm performance, aiding the sperm in reaching the cervix. Artificial insemination can also be done with donated sperm, from a national registry in charge of controlling donations and studies on the donors. This guarantees confidentiality, security, and rigid ethics.

In-vitro fertilization (IVF): Like with artificial insemination, the woman must prepare with hormone therapy prior to egg harvest. Mature eggs are retrieved from the uterus then fertilized in a laboratory before being inserted into the cervix. IVF allows multiple eggs to mature at once and can lead to carrying multiple fetuses. IVF can also be done with anonymous donated eggs following the same standards as sperm donation mentioned above.

Sperm Microinjection (ICSI): This involves intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection whereby only one egg is inseminated by just one sperm cell. The sperm are chosen for their viability during a process of testicular sperm extraction. It is similar to IVF, but a longer and more complex process.

Fertility treatments with Caser Expat Insurance

Once you have the diagnostics from your fertility study, you will meet with a doctor to discuss your personalized recommendations. Caser’s coverage includes all of the following fertility treatments*:

  • Artificial insemination
  • In-vitro fertilization (IVF)
  • Sperm microinjection

Caser Integral insurance: Coverage option that is designed for families with children, but also supports expanding your family. Integral will ensure that you get the fertility treatment you need, while the other members of your family receive the best care. And you choose whether or not you want a co-payment!

Fertility coverages include an on-site study, diagnosis, and partner infertility treatment. If necessary, it includes three attempts of artificial insemination as well as IVF and ICSI (sperm microinjection). Plus, if your attempts are successful, you’ll also receive these coverages for pregnancy: birth preparation program, non-invasive prenatal genetic test, post-natal care, and family planning.

Caser Prestigio insurance: Prestigio has the same coverages as Integral, but it is considered Caser’s most complete insurance policy as you get to choose your doctor with complete freedom. Caser will reimburse your expenses if you go to a doctor outside the Caser medical directory. Plus, there are no-copayments with this insurance policy, meaning you’ll be fully covered leaving nothing to chance!

*Note that there is a waiting period (periodo de carencia) of 24 months with the Caser healthcare plans listed above, meaning that you must have spent that much time on the insurance plan already before fertility diagnosis and treatment will be covered. 

A pregnant couple expecting their baby after a fertility treatment.

More resources on healthcare and pregnancy in Spain

If you go through fertility treatment and you are successful, congratulations! There’s a lot more research and information that you will want to take into account during your pregnancy journey in Spain. Consult the Caser resource guides below:


Keep in mind, the start of your exploration into infertility and the fertility treatments available to you in Spain can seem the most daunting. But with Caser’s help, we’re here to hold your hand each step of the way, to make sure you’re getting the right treatments and support whenever you need. 

Download Free Guide: Best Fertility Centres in Spain


If you are searching for health insurance in Spain, Caser Expat Insurance has the right policy for you!

Worth a look: How to choose the best healthcare in Spain for expats



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