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Caser Expat Insurance

Caser's low cost vs. full family health insurance

August 2, 2023

Any expat in Spain knows that navigating the Spanish healthcare system effectively and successfully can be tough. When you finally know the ins and outs, you’re comfortable with the language, and you’ve got all your paperwork filed, it can become more manageable, but even seasoned expats get frustrated. So if you’re decided that it’s time to explore private health insurance, it’s understandable. Now, the question is–which plan do you choose? This article explores the differences between Caser’s low cost vs. full family health insurance and which option is right for you. 

Caser's low cost vs. full family health insurance

How to choose between low cost vs. full coverage health insurance

When deciding between low-cost and full-coverage health insurance, you need to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of each option. You also need to consider your budget and specific healthcare needs. What’s important to note is that both options tend to have family plans.  

A low-cost health insurance is obviously more budget friendly in the short term. However, it is important to note that these plans typically offer limited coverage, focusing on basic medical needs rather than comprehensive care. The good news is that it won’t break the bank if your funds are limited. 

Full coverage health insurance is pretty self-explanatory as well, offering total coverage for a wide range of specialties and procedures. It will be on the higher end of costs up front, but you’ll save more out-of-pocket in the long term.

Additionally, it's essential to consider the copayments associated with both types of insurance plans, as they can impact overall affordability and accessibility. Low cost plans may involve higher copayments, while full-coverage health insurance plans often have higher monthly premiums but lower copayments. This can be beneficial for those who anticipate frequent doctor visits or require routine treatments.

As stated, the route you choose will depend on the situation of you and your family. Luckily, Caser Expat Insurance has several healthcare plans in Spain for every expat’s needs. Below, find the details of our low cost vs. full family health insurances. 

Comparison of Caser Medica vs. Caser Integral

Caser Medica

Caser Medica is one of Caser’s low cost health insurance options. In fact, it’s the perfect the medical insurance in Spain to combine with Social Security. You’ll get access to specialist appointments and fast diagnoses without waiting lists. With this plan, you’ll have all the advantages of a private medical insurance in Spain that complements public healthcare.

General coverages

  • Primary medicine.
  • Medical specialties such as pediatrics, gynecology, dermatology endocrinology, traumatology.
  • Diagnostic tests.
  • Dental add-on.
  • Emergency home visits.
  • 24-hour medical assistance.
  • A second medical opinion.
  • Coverage when traveling overseas. 

Special treatments

  • 20 individual psychological sessions per insured per year.
  • Unlimited chiropody at a doctor's office.
  • Other special treatments such as laser therapy, logo phoniatrics, etc.

Family coverage

  • Family package pricing from 79,77€/month for up to 3 people under the age of 55 years old.
  • Family planning with intrauterine (IUD) treatment and implantation.
  • Bio-mechanical walking study for children under 16. 
  • Birth preparation program from the second trimester. 


  • Health assistance by phone, video calls, and online medical chat.
  • All telehealth services are exempt from copays and offer unlimited check-ups (except psychology).
  • Selfie Health measurement of health indicators using mobile facial recognition technology.
  • Speak to professional in General Medicine and a range of other specialties. Paediatrics, Dermatology, Digestive System, Endocrinology, Gynaecology, Odontology, Psychiatry, etc.
  • Prescriptions for tests and medication during virtual check-ups. 

Caser Integral

Caser Integral is Caser’s full family health insurance option. While it is a more expensive insurance plan, it offers comprehensive coverage for different medical specialties, diagnostic tests, hospitalizations, emergencies, special treatments, and more.

In addition to what is offered with Caser Medica (see above), Caser Integral includes: 

General coverages

  • All those included in Caser Medica.
  • All types of hospitalization, with no limit on medical, paediatric, maternity surgical or ICU hospitalization.
  • Hospital emergencies and an ambulance service. 
  • Unlimited coverage for prostheses and materials

Special treatments:

  • All those included in Caser Medica.
  • Digital Dermatoscopy for early melanoma detection.
  • Therapeutic targets prior to any oncological treatment.
  • Robotic surgery in prostate cancer interventions with the Da Vinci system.
  • Post-heart attack cardiac rehabilitation.

Family coverage:

  • All those included in Caser Medica.
  • Family package pricing €140,28/month for up to 3 people under the age of 55 years old.
  • Infertility study, diagnosis & treatment.
  • Assisted reproduction via artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization.
  • Harmony Screening Non-Invasive Prenatal genetic test to predict the risk of Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome, and Patau syndrome.
  • Post-natal care to assess the mother and newborn and offer tips on care.
  • Postpartum pelvic floor rehabilitation involving pelvic floor exercises, biofeedback, electrostimulation, global body exercises, massage therapy and relaxation techniques.


  • All those included in Caser Medica.

Caser's low cost vs. full family health insurance

Caser Health Insurance with Dental Coverage

An additional option that should be on your radar is Caser Adapta + Dental insurance, which is a full coverage health insurance plan without copayments that includes dental. It is intended for young people and families who are looking for good insurance at a good price and who want dental coverage. 

This health insurance plan includes Caser Sonrisa Esencial dental coverage, which offers 40 free services and major discounts that will save you money on all other treatments. Plus, children under 15 years old have free access to the main paediatric dental treatments (except for orthodontics, endodontics and prostheses).

This insurance also has an official certificate that makes it valid for NIE, residency, and visa. 

As an expat, only you know your specific needs–whether the focus is on bring more budget friendly in your monthly premium, complete coverage and peace of mind for your family, or an insurance plan that includes dental. If you'd like to explore even more health insurance options with Caser Expat Insurance, check out the guide below: 

Download Free Guide:  How to choose the right Caser Health Insurance Policy

If you are searching for health insurance in Spain, Caser Expat Insurance has the right policy for you!

Worth a look: How to choose the best healthcare in Spain for expats

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