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Travel insurance

Your Safer Trip

Welcome to travel insurance that covers any unexpected medical expenses, trip cancellations, assistance for your pets, and even includes legal defense for your claims.

We call you for free

Up to 3 options

Because every trip and every traveler is different. Choose your option

Medical Expenses Anywhere in the World

Up to €650,000 + travel and companion accommodation expenses.

In Case of Cancellation

Reimbursement for cancellation fees and unused vacation days.

For you, a travel insurance with unique coverage

Flight cancellation, loss of luggage or passport, getting sick hundreds or thousands of kilometers from home... A trip is meant to be enjoyed, but it’s not free of surprises. With this travel insurance, you secure PEACE OF MIND for any problem that may arise, even before starting your trip.

Health Assistance, Without Worrying About Your Pocket

  • We cover up to €25,000 in medical expenses in Spain.

  • If you're outside our country, where healthcare can be very expensive, we include up to €350,000 in Europe and up to €650,000 in the rest of the world.

  •  If you need a medicine for a mild illness and it doesn't exist where you are? This insurance covers the full cost of sending it to you.

  • And no matter the age of travelers. The Prestige plan even covers medical expenses for pre-existing conditions.

Travel Troubles? We’ll Be With You

  • Search and shipment of luggage anywhere in the world. Includes compensation for lost or stolen items.

  • Repatriation of the insured in case of illness or accident, with no cost limits.

  • Advance payment of funds, with no transfer fees, in case of loss or theft.

  • If you're traveling alone, we take care of the return of minors or any accompanying pets, covering all expenses.

  • And if your trip is cut short due to illness, the insurance reimburses the cost of the lost days from the beginning of the cancellation, even if the trip has already begun.

And We Go Even Further!

Coverage for any legal problem you might face in Spain or abroad, with no “fine print.” This insurance will take care of everything you need in these situations:

  • Legal information and claims for damages.

  • Claims for purchase or service contracts.

  • Personal liability claims.

  • Claims for trip cancellations and unused vacation days. (Optional Coverage)

Oh! And if you’re traveling with pets...

  • Our Vacation and Comprehensive plans cover up to €1,000 in veterinary expenses for any emergency assistance needed.

Which is the Best Travel Insurance for You?

Out of all the ways to travel, we love your way best. That’s why, regardless of your destination or travel budget, we have an insurance plan that suits you.

Which of these three options is yours?

  • Vacation Plan: The most economical option, covering the essentials: medical expenses anywhere in the world, reimbursement for unused vacation days, and even the option to include coverage for your pets. The Vacation Plan is valid worldwide but is especially recommended for travel within Spain and Portugal.

  • Comprehensive Plan: Offers higher reimbursement and compensation limits compared to the Vacation Plan, plus new coverages like search and rescue or additional expenses in case of overbooking on your flight. The Comprehensive Plan is valid worldwide and is particularly recommended for travel across Europe.

  • Prestige Plan: Provides the highest reimbursement and compensation limits for each coverage area, along with a unique option that covers medical expenses if a pre-existing condition worsens before departure. The Prestige Plan is perfect for international travel, especially outside of Europe.

These are all the coverages included in the travel insurance



Medical expenses in Spain

Up to 5000€

Up to 10.000 €

Up to 25.000 €

Medical expenses in Europe

Up to 50.000€

Up to 75.000 €

Up to 350.000 €

Medical expenses worldwide

Up to 50.000€

Up to 200.000 €

Up to 650.000 €

Medical expenses for pre-existing conditions (new)

Up to 15.000 €

Dental medical expenses

Up to 100€

Up to 150€

Up to 300€

Medication delivery


Repatriation or medical transport due to illness, accident, or death




Repatriation of insured companions

Family Unit + 2 Companions

Family Unit + 2 Companions

Family Unit + 2 Companions


Extension of hotel stay due to illness or accident

75 €/ day (10 days)

120 €/ day (10 days)

200 €/ day (15 days)

Travel expenses for an accompanying family member

Accommodation expenses for an accompanying family member

75 €/ day for 10 days

120 €/ day (10 days)

200 €/ day (15 days)

Escort of minors due to illness, accident, or death

Interpreter services in emergencies and transmission of urgent messages

Search and rescue

Up to 3.500€

Up to 6.000€


Early return due to hospitalization or death of a family member

Early return due to fire, theft, or unavoidable and inexcusable requirements


Search and worldwide shipment of luggage

Compensation for theft, loss, or damage to luggage

Up to 1000 €

Up to 1500 €

Up to 2000 €

Replacement costs for lost or stolen passport, ID, or residency card

Essential expenses for delayed delivery of luggage

Up to 200 €

Up to 300 €

Up to 500 €


Expenses for delayed trip departure

Up to 200 €

Up to 200 €

Up to 200 €

Expenses due to overbooking

Up to 150€

Up to 200 €

Service loss due to public transport delay or cancellation

Up to 500€

Loss of flight connections

Up to 300 €

Up to 400€


Expenses for trip cancellation

Optional (Up to 1500€)

Optional (Up to 1500€)

Up to 6.00€


Reimbursement for unused vacation days

Up to 750€

Up to 2.500€

Up to 3.500€


Compensation for death or permanent disability in transportation

Up to 30.000€

Up to 30.000€

Up to 30.000€

Compensation for death or permanent disability within 24 hours (New)

Up to 6.000€

Up to 6.000€

Up to 6.000€


Private Civil Liability

Up to 30.000€

Up to 30.000€

Up to 60.000€


Legal advice and damage claims abroad (New)

Claims for purchase and service contracts abroad (New)

Defense against criminal prosecution abroad (New)

Airline claims




Replacement vehicle in case of accident or breakdown

Up to 7 days

Professional driver dispatch


Emergency veterinary assistance (New)

Optional (up to €1.000)

Optional (up to €1.000)

Repatriation in case of death (New)

Optional (Up to €500)

Optional (Up to €500)


Sports (New)

See all coverages See less coverages

Reimbursement and qualifying periods

Our most prestigious no copay health insurance is your best option.

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Cruise Insurance

Going on a cruise? We sail with you


On the high seas, high peace of mind. 

  • Medical expenses: anywhere in the world, including onboard the cruise ship. Coverage also includes repatriation in case of illness or accident.

  • Luggage management: search and delivery, compensation for loss or theft.

  • Passport replacement expenses.

  • Travel delay costs at the start of your trip, and even costs for trip cancellation and reimbursement for unused vacation days.