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CAJA DE SEGUROS REUNIDOS, COMPAÑÍA DE SEGUROS Y REASEGUROS, S.A. – CASER (N.I.F.: A-28013050), es responsable del tratamiento de los datos personales que nos facilita con el fin de proporcionarle la información solicitada sobre nuestros productos o servicios por cualquier medio, incluso por teléfono, correo electrónico, SMS, o equivalente, directamente o a través de nuestros agentes de seguros. Los datos proporcionados se conservarán mientras no solicite el cese de la actividad. Sus personales en ningún caso se cederán a terceros salvo en los casos en que exista una obligación legal o lo consienta expresamente. Tiene derecho ejercer los derechos de acceso,  rectificación, supresión, limitación del tratamiento y oposición. Puede encontrar información adicional en nuestra  Política de Privacidad.

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Which Electric Scooters Need to Be Registered?


Electric scooters are not generally considered motor vehicles, so most do not require registration. However, there is a legal gray area that often causes confusion among users. The DGT (Spanish Directorate-General for Traffic) has recently mandated that some electric scooters must carry a circulation certificate.

According to regulations, electric scooters cannot exceed a speed of 25 km/h. They are also prohibited from riding on sidewalks and must adhere to municipal rules. Depending on local ordinances, they may use roads with speed limits of 30 km/h or pedestrian streets with a maximum speed of 20 km/h. Otherwise, they are required to use bike lanes.


When Do You Need to Register an Electric Scooter?

The circumstances under which you need to register an electric scooter depend on its features:

  • Electric scooters without a seat or those like Segways, with a maximum speed of 25 km/h, are classified as Personal Mobility Vehicles (PMVs). They do not require registration or road tax but must have the circulation certificate mandated by the DGT.
  • Electric scooters with a seat, an electric motor, and a top speed of 50 km/h are not PMVs. Legally, they are considered mopeds, which means they must be homologated and registered.
  • If an electric scooter is modified to become a moped (e.g., adding a seat, lights, horn, indicators, etc.), it must also be homologated or registered. In such cases, having insurance becomes mandatory.

How to Register an Electric Scooter

If you need to register your electric scooter with the DGT, follow these steps:

1. Submit the registration request form at your local DGT office.

2. Pay the registration fee applicable for mopeds.

3. Provide your ID and proof of ownership, such as a purchase invoice, documentation for the scooter, and the ITV card.

4. Pay the local road tax and submit the original receipt along with a copy.

5. Once registered, purchase insurance for your scooter, which becomes mandatory after registration.

After completing these steps, you can legally ride your registered electric scooter.

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Where to Register an Electric Scooter

You can register your electric scooter at any Traffic Headquarters or Local Office. Alternatively, you can complete the process online.

If you opt to register in person, you must handle the procedure yourself unless you authorize someone through the DGT's website or a written authorization letter. Ensure the authorized person has your original ID and the authorization document.

For online registration, remember to download your receipt at the end of the process.

How Much Does It Cost to Register an Electric Scooter?

The cost to register an electric scooter is €27.30. This fee can be paid in three ways:

  • Through the DGT's online fee payment platform.

  • In person at your local Traffic Office.

  • At a participating bank, using the 791 payment form.

Required Documents for Scooter Registration

Here is a summary of the documents needed to register your electric scooter:

  • The official application form, duly completed.
  • Your ID.
  • ITV card (physical or electronic).
  • Proof of fee payment.
  • Proof of road tax payment.
  • Proof of registration tax payment.

For a smooth process, bring both the originals and copies of these documents to avoid delays.

Companies Caser Group


    Caja de Seguros Reunidos Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A. "CASER"

    C.I.F. [Tax ID Code]: A-28013050Registered address: Avenida de Burgos, nº 109. 28050-Madrid


    Caja de Seguros Reunidos Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A. "CASER"

    C.I.F. [Tax ID Code]: A-28013050Registered address: Avenida de Burgos, nº 109. 28050-Madrid


    Caja de Seguros Reunidos Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A. "CASER"

    C.I.F. [Tax ID Code]: A-28013050Registered address: Avenida de Burgos, nº 109. 28050-Madrid


    Caja de Seguros Reunidos Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A. "CASER"

    C.I.F. [Tax ID Code]: A-28013050Registered address: Avenida de Burgos, nº 109. 28050-Madrid


    Caja de Seguros Reunidos Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A. "CASER"

    C.I.F. [Tax ID Code]: A-28013050Registered address: Avenida de Burgos, nº 109. 28050-Madrid


    Caja de Seguros Reunidos Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A. "CASER"

    C.I.F. [Tax ID Code]: A-28013050Registered address: Avenida de Burgos, nº 109. 28050-Madrid


    Caja de Seguros Reunidos Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A. "CASER"

    C.I.F. [Tax ID Code]: A-28013050Registered address: Avenida de Burgos, nº 109. 28050-Madrid


    Caja de Seguros Reunidos Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A. "CASER"

    C.I.F. [Tax ID Code]: A-28013050Registered address: Avenida de Burgos, nº 109. 28050-Madrid


    Caja de Seguros Reunidos Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A. "CASER"

    C.I.F. [Tax ID Code]: A-28013050Registered address: Avenida de Burgos, nº 109. 28050-Madrid


    Caja de Seguros Reunidos Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A. "CASER"

    C.I.F. [Tax ID Code]: A-28013050Registered address: Avenida de Burgos, nº 109. 28050-Madrid

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