Requirements for owning a dog in Spain.
What kind of insurance do I need for a dog in Spain?
24H English-speaking telephone assistance
Comprehensive home insurance
Looking after your house means protecting yourself and your loved ones and providing yourselves with the security that you need. At Caser we simply design our home insurance in Spain policies around the real risk factors and needs of our clients.
You choose between 3 different levels of protection.
24h service with electricians, carpenters, locksmiths, bricklayers, painters, window blinds...
Inside the home, robbery outside the home and fraudulent use of cards.
To repair any material damage that may arise in your home, to give you peace of mind in the event of unforeseen events and to make your life easier. This is what each of our Home Insurance covers are for, because they are the solution to all those situations that are a real headache.
And to adapt to the needs of your home, we have divided our Home Insurance into three different levels of protection. Choose the option that best suits you.
Basic Coverage (Fire, lightning, explosion,
atmospheric phenomena, flooding...)
Water damage
Aesthetic reconstruction
Food spoilage
All risks material damage
Optional coverage
Civil Liability
Home assistance
Bricocaser Service - Handyman
Travel assistance
Computer assistance
Vehicles or vessels in the garage
Optional coverage
Optional coverage
Optional coverage
Personal injury caused by accident
Optional coverage
Optional coverage
Optional coverage
Electrical damage
Optional coverage
Optional coverage
Optional coverage
Optional coverage
Legal advice
Legal defence
Comprehensive legal defence
Optional coverage
VIP Travel assistance
Optional coverage
Optional coverage
Optional coverage
Digital help
It covers damage caused by fire, lightning, explosion, atmospheric phenomena, flooding, malicious acts, smoke or soot, impact of animals and vehicles, sonic waves, electrical damage and spillage or leakage from automatic fire-fighting installations.
FIRE: combustion and burning by flame of an object or objects that were not designed to be burned.
EXPLOSION: a sudden, violent expansion of gases, caused by a physical or chemical reaction.
LIGHTENING: the violent discharge due to interference in the electrical field of the atmosphere.
Water damage is not just about the leak, it is finding the cause of the leak and solving it. Caser Home Insurance takes all these unexpected situations into account. We will turn your house upside down to find the source of the leak, but this Coverage guarantees that we will leave it just as it was before.
We look after all water damage caused by appliances, damaged pipes, damage to other appliances, damaged tanks, locating the fault and fixing the fault (workforce and required materials) and reconstruction if we have to break anything for access. Even if the leak is your fault for having left the tap on. Accidents happen.
Regardless of where you live, burglary and theft can be worries that play on your mind. A Coverage of this type doesn’t just cover you against theft in your home - you are also coveredin the case of muggings. Your belongings are yours both inside and outside of your house.
Nevertheless, it is always important to clarify the following concepts:
In the case of robberies in the property, we will compensate you up to 5% of the amount insured, items stolen outside the property (garden, garage, outbuildings), as long as the area is enclosed.
Up to €600 stolen from a safe deposit box.
Compensation for mugging outside the property, both in Spain and within EU countries, where a report has been made to the relevant authorities. Up to €1500 for theft of belongings (bag, jacket, mobile phone...) and up to €300 for theft of cash. *The amount insured is for all members of your party. This means that if a mobile phone and jacket are stolen from you and a mobile phone, a wallet and a watch are stolen from your partner, the maximum compensation for these items remains €1500.
Life is subject to a series of daily accidents. You drop the water jug on that little glass coffee table, you're cleaning to the beat of the Rolling Stones when the mop slips out of your hands and into a vase... These are just small examples of possible damage. Caser Home Insurance covers breaks in glass windows, doors, skylights, sun roofs, shower screens and glass-top hobs, covering the cost of delivery and installation to the cost of the replacement. We will also bear the costs of transportation and installation.
We also cover solar panel glass, broken bathroom ceramics (toilets, showers, sinks), mirrors and marble or granite panels, whether decorative or forming part of furniture or work surfaces.
The fact that we have to take up your bathroom tiles doesn’t have to mean that your house will resemble a battlefield when the work is complete. We will fix it for you and, if you have this Coverage, we will ensure that the cosmetic appearance is respected. A fault is a fault, but having three different types of tiles because the originals are no longer produced is an unacceptable crime against aesthetics.
Caser will take care of these types of details, within the financial limits established in your policy.
This Coverage is related to damage covered by Breaks, Water Damage, Basic Coverage and Theft Coverages.
The light goes out and cannot be fixed for hours. In the midsummer heat, food goes to waste. Sometimes you have just a few items in the fridge, on other occasions you may have enough food to survive a siege. And all this goes to waste. And this has a cost. Caser Home Insurance looks after situations caused by electrical problems and also in the case of a fridge or freezer breakdown, due to a fault with the coolant or due to a storm which breaks your electrical appliances.
In order for the Coverage to apply, the electrical fault must occur for a period of time greater than 6 hours and the electrical appliances must be less than 10 years old.
As stated in the preceding section, it is possible that a property can suffer damage to the extent that you and your family cannot continue to live in it for a certain period of time. At the time where you have to rent a new property because your own will require prolonged renovation works, Caser Home Insurance will cover the rental costs in accordance with the following conditions.
Civil Liability is the main reason when it comes to taking out a home insurance policy. It guarantees you the security of knowing that, whatever happens, you and your family are protected against third party grievances. Moreover, Caser Home Insurance covers damage caused by your pets. Because they are part of the family.
It can be unavoidable that a water leak will affect your downstairs neighbours, or that your son's baseball practice will affect your neighbours’ windows. In all such cases, in accordance with current legislation in Spain, we will look after compensation for third parties, whether for civil liability or family civil liability, when damage is caused by a family member, and the associated legal costs.
Covers you in any part of Spain or the European Union (provided that the stay is of less than three months), with regard to Spanish law. This will cover any damage by third parties to yourself, your family or your pet.
Moreover, this Coverage protects your household employees in the case of an accident whilst they work in your property.
*Pets are taken to mean dogs (as long as they are not recognised dangerous breeds [link to dangerous dogs Coverage]), cats, rodents kept in a cage, birds, fish and tortoises.
Legal Costs are those costs which are incurred, relating to possible sentences, court fees or legal costs, etc.
Caser Home Insurance also bears the costs of legal representation, if you require a lawyer for allegations relating to the Coverage of this policy.
It includes assistance in the event of a claim, as well as certain emergency services and connection with repair professionals. Glaziers, electricians, plumbers...
If, while travelling anywhere in the world, you have a problem, we cover: Medical, pharmaceutical and hospitalisation expenses abroad. Emergency dental expenses, extension of stay abroad due to illness or accident, transport and hotel stay of a companion due to hospitalisation abroad, transfer or repatriation of the sick insured and his/her companion, repatriation of the deceased and transfer of the insured, transfer or repatriation of the insured minors, delivery of medicines abroad, early return due to serious illness, early return due to serious accident or death of a family member, early return due to serious damage to the insured and his/her companion, repatriation of the insured and his/her companion, serious accident or death of a family member, early return due to serious damage to your main residence or business premises, search and location of luggage, compensation for loss, theft or total or partial destruction of checked luggage, the advance of funds, purchase of basic essentials, delivery of documents and personal belongings and reimbursement of cancellation expenses before departure.
This coverage includes both telephone advice services and in-person care at home. Telephone advice consists of comprehensive information for the whole family, to provide advice and guidance on medical, legal, psychological, social and dietary-nutritional issues, completely anonymously and with no limit to the number of calls. On the other hand, in-home care consists of care related to physical and personal care needs (such as personal hygiene, preparation and consumption of meals, getting up, going to bed, household duties, control and monitoring of food and medication), companionship (shopping, formalities, etc.) and night-time assistance and supervision (assistance, personal attention and physical care during the night).
Designed to provide a range of assistance and expenses to the insured in the event that an unforeseen illness or accident prevents them from continuing their trip.
What is this? It is the assistance service that helps to resolve the incidents which take place on a computer for domestic use owned by the insured and also other devices and media in the event of needing to use the data recovery guarantee. Comprises the following services:
The services included in this coverage will be provided in collaboration with specialised companies. The performance of this service when it is not requested via CASER will not give rise to any right to reimbursement or compensation.
Do you have a boat for weekend fishing trips? Do you prefer to keep your speedboat in the garage than in a marina 500km away? Do you never know where your car insurance ends and your home insurance begins? Then this is the Coverage for you.
We cover the damage that vehicles and vessels can sustain due to fire, explosion or flooding, when they are in a garage equipped with a security system, whether it is a shared space or your own.
Moreover, total loss of the vehicle is covered, which will be governed by the market value [link to glossary] at the time of damage.
An accident clause is the most important part of an accident insurance policy. Caser Home Insurance covers everything - above all, you and your family.
This provision will cover injury (incapacity) or death of the person or persons insured in the case of an accident, within or outside of the home.
Imagine a stormy day which causes a fault in a power supply. This fault causes a surge in an electrical appliance which causes damage. Caser Home Insurance covers all electrical damage, regardless of the age of the appliance - except in the case of computers. In this case the age limit is ten years.
Your Pit Bull is a playful, loving dog and you know that he would not harm a fly. Nevertheless, for several years, owners of these breeds have been required to have public liability insurance for their pets, as established by Royal Decree 287/2002. With Caser Home Insurance, you can include this clause, remain within the law and anticipate possible damage that your pet can cause.
In addition to the telephone counselling service, this includes expenses up to a certain amount arising from legal, administrative or arbitration proceedings related to the insurance cover.
This is an extension of the previous guarantee, providing cover in addition to the cases indicated in the LEGAL DEFENCE GUARANTEE for the following cases:
CASER will provide insured parties with the services of qualified professionals for minor maintenance and DIY tasks in the insured home. The tasks include the following:
The hourly rate of the professional up to a maximum of 3 hours in the insured home.
You can make a maximum of two requests per policy and insurance year.
Caser provides you with an online access portal, with the following services: protection against cyber attacks (up to 3 devices), location of stolen devices (using an application to locate the stolen mobile device, block it, delete the information or even activate an alarm remotely) and recovery of data from internal memory on digital media, such as tablets and smartphones. The Digital Help also includes "Digital Monitoring", which consists of, up to twice a year, a report on your online presence. And finally, "Erasure of the digital footprint", which consists of the cancellation (erasure) of information relating to your user on the Internet, or opposition to a specific treatment of this information, such as the de-indexing of links in search engines.
In other words, you don't have to do anything. You call us and a qualified professional will come to fix it. No matter what it is: a leak, a burst pipe, fitting a piece of furniture, sealing a shower tray, a locksmith because you've lost your keys, an electrician because the electricity went out... You won't have to spend time looking for someone to take care of it, let alone do it yourself. Home insurance does it all for you.
And what happens when it's a major problem? We're talking about fires, damage due to rain, snow or wind and even vandalism. We will also cover any damage to your home.
Do you know what the best thing about this is? With your Spain home insurance, we cover the costs of material damage to your home, so that an unforeseen event will not be a blow to your pocket. And that's what we call peace of mind. Because whatever happens, you won't have to worry about the financial cost of possible repairs.
For example, how much money could it cost you to fix a problem with the electrical installation in your home, or a water leak in your living room? With Home Insurance you don't have to worry.
Because if burglars do their thing and steal inside your home, we will take care of the damage to doors, windows, walls, ceilings and floors. And if you insure your contents, we will compensate you for your stolen belongings or for any damage they may have suffered as a result of attempted burglary.
And what happens if you are mugged in the street? We will also compensate you for your belongings up to a maximum of €1,500 and up to €300 in the case of cash.
What's more, if your credit card is stolen, misappropriated or lost, we cover the fraudulent use of your credit card up to 600€ per claim.
Fix any problems you didn’t see coming with just one call. With Yavoiyó, we go to your holiday home so you don’t have to.
Then Caser Chaletísimo is for you! Your home is for living, not for constant repairs. Forget about "this doesn’t work" or "that’s broken." Now you have the first home insurance specialized for chalets.
We answer your questions about taking out, using and managing the insurance, as well as its coverage, limits... and much more!
Requirements for owning a dog in Spain.
What kind of insurance do I need for a dog in Spain?
Required documents.
Taxes to be taken into account.
Buying vs. renting when moving to live in Spain.
Community Living.