Everything you need to know about Caser Home Insurance in Spain. We want you to rely on us
How do I renew my home insurance?
The period of your insurance coverage is one year. 60 days before the end of your contract we will send you the renewal information. At this time, you can call us to amend the conditions of your home insurance policy and automatically renew.
Can I cancel my Coverage at any time?
You have the right to cancel your contract whenever you want. In this case, however, Caser is under no obligation to return the part of the premium that coverages the remaining part of the contract. This means that if you take out a policy in May and cancel in December, the amount that remains until May of the following year will not be refunded.
How do I decline the renewal?
Before renewing your insurance, Caser will advise you of the renewal terms. If you do not wish to continue, you can advise us of this in writing.
I want to take out a home insurance policy for my property, but the bank with which I hold a mortgage states that I have to insure my property with them. Is this true?
When you are granted a mortgage to buy a property, the financial entity will require you to take out an insurance policy, that Coverages at least third party fire and theft, to a minimum amount which is equal to the value of the mortgage. Nevertheless, you do not have to take out insurance with the insurance company that they offer you. You can also do so with any other insurance provider and forward a copy of the policy that you take out to your mortgage provider.
In the event of a claim, the financial entity will charge the compensation directly, up to the limit of the amount repaid on the date of the incident.
At what point is a policy in place if I take out insurance coverage online?
The insurance is in place as soon as you have paid the corresponding premium.
How do I customise my Caser Multi-Risk Home Insurance?
With Caser, you can choose the Coverage that you really need. As you can see in Coverage (link to Caser Home Insurance), there are four types. Basic Coverage and Civil Liability are mandatory parts of your policy. The Optional Coverages and Special Coverages can be added according to your requirements.
My house is also used as an office, are the furniture and professional equipment covered?
Yes, you can insure the property as long as it is used as a house and complies with the required living conditions, however, it will continue to serve a different legal purpose. What is not Covered are accidents that occur in the pursuit of a profession. If you are a painter or sculptor, therefore, or you renovate classic cars, it is better to have a specific place for this activity and a Professional Liability Coverage in place.
How do I calculate the value of my property?
Our premium calculator is designed to help you. With just a few simple questions we will suggest a value. The information that we need and that we will request throughout the process of calculating your premium is as follows
- Type of property
- Area M2
- Quality of the property
- Use of the property
- Province where the property is located
- As well as to calculate the value of the property, this will help us to establish the value of your furniture and furnishings.
What do I need to do if I have an incident at home?
The first thing that you must do is to take necessary measures to reduce the consequences of the incident, always within the margins of safety. Having done so, you should get in touch with Caser to inform us about the circumstances and consequences if the incident. Caser sets a maximum term of 7 calendar days since the event. For robbery, theft, assault and malicious acts, you must file a report which lists the objects which have been damaged or stolen.
Caser provides 24 h telephone assistance 365 days a year, as shown in the terms of your policy. What's more, if you are registered with our e-client, you can register a claim online. It's that easy.
Some of my roof tiles were damaged in the storm tonight and part of the roof has come off - am I Covered?
If you have insured the structure, i.e. the property, this damage is covered, as long as the wind speeds that caused the damage were greater than 80km/h.
I don't have an anemometer at home - how can I check the wind speed?
Don't worry, it's normal. In order to verify intense rain or wind speed you will need to request a report from the relevant authorities. If damage is sustained to third-party property, it will also be Covered by your Civil Liability insurance.
My child left the tap on and the water has leaked through the floor to the property of the neighbour below - what now?
Call the plumber and check out the damage to your neighbour’s property. Don’t worry, damage to your belongings is covered by the Water Damage Coverage and damage to your neighbour's property by the Civil Liability Coverage.
Tonight the garages were broken into and various doors were forced, including mine. Various items were stolen from me - am I Covered?
Yes, burglary from outbuildings is Covered as long as the outbuilding has its own lock and you have contents insurance Coverage. Damage caused during burglary or attempted burglary is also covered. Nevertheless, remember that theft of jewellery or objects of special value is not Coverage.
I have just been mugged in the street > My bag with my mobile phone and my wallet were taken - am I Covered?
Yes, as long as you have selected the robbery Coverage, your belongings are insured for up to €1500 for objects (wallet, mobile phone, etc.) and up to €300 for theft of cash. You will need to present the crime reference.
There was a power cut and, when the power returned, there was a power surge which damaged several switches - what should I do?
Call us on 902 352 035 so that we can arrange for an electrician to come to your house and find a solution as soon as possible.
The technician had to change several circuits and the socket housings that I have throughout the house are no longer manufactured. Will you change the old socket housings throughout the rest of the house to match the new ones?
Yes, provided that the damage is Coverageed by the policy and you have selected cosmetic damage Coverage. The costs to establish aesthetic coherence in the affected area will be covered, within the limits of your policy.
A branch from a tree fell on the garage during a storm and damaged my car which was parked inside. Who Coverages me in this situation?
If your car insurance does not extend to damage in the garage, don't worry, because if you have the vehicle and vessel Coverage, we will take care of this damage. If your car insurance covers this type of damage, they will take care of the damage. If you hold a car insurance policy with Caser, we will find a solution as soon as possible. Check out Caser Auto Car Insurance.
How long will Caser take to compensate a claim?
In any case, Caser must pay, within 40 days of receipt of the declaration of the incident, the minimum amount that it will owe according to the facts of the situation.
Can I pay my Caser Home Insurance premium in instalments?
Caser Home Insurance offers the possibility to pay in six-monthly or quarterly payments, provided that the value of the payment is greater than €30.
What is the method of payment?
Currently, the only method of payment accepted is direct debit.
There is a problem with my bank and the payment has been returned, what should I do?
Contact our team on 902 352 035 and we will find the best way to complete payment.
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