When can you start using your medical insurance?
You can enjoy the protection offered by your health insurance from the first day indicated in your policy contract, except in the specific case of those coverages that have a waiting period specifically indicated in the contract.

When you take out your health insurance policy, you be sure that, from the first day of its effective effect, you will be able to enjoy the different covers that you have decided to include in your policy. This possibility will only be limited to those services, cover and guarantees that specifically include a waiting period, the duration of which must be specified in your insurance contract.
Likewise, if you prefer to take out your health insurance online, you will be the one to choose the date from which you wish your insurance policy to take effect.
In both cases, it is important to clarify that, in order for your policy to be considered valid for all purposes, it will be necessary to have previously paid the annual premium, or the first payment in the event that you have decided to pay in instalments.
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