Does your health insurance cover fertility diagnosis and treatment?
The Comprehensive and Prestige health insurance plans include specific coverage for the "Diagnosis and treatment of infertility," allowing you to access the study, diagnosis, and treatment of your case through artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, or sperm microinjection (ICSI).

If you have taken out health insurance with us or are considering doing so, and would like to know whether it includes the possibility of using assisted reproductive techniques, you should know that this service is available in the Comprehensive and Prestige plans once the waiting period has passed.
You will have access to a personalized study that includes the diagnosis and treatment of fertility for you (or your partner), which also includes three attempts at artificial insemination, one attempt at in vitro fertilization, and sperm microinjection (ICSI) if necessary.
Don’t wait any longer to take care of yourself and your family! Discover our health insurance fertility coverage now
Lack of fertility diagnosis and treatment service.
If you require this specialized medical service, we recommend that you formalize the signing of your health insurance as soon as possible in either our Comprehensive or Prestige plans. The main reason is that accessing the "Diagnosis and treatment of infertility" coverage involves a waiting period of 24 months.
Additionally, to request this coverage, it is an essential requirement that both members of the couple have valid health insurance with us and are both beneficiaries of the same coverage.
If you'd like more information, you can also check out the other coverage options we offer once you are pregnant with our maternity insurance.
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