Can you choose your own doctor on health insurance?
When you take out your health insurance policy, you will have total freedom to choose the professional or medical centre you consider most suitable for your needs and expectations from among all those who make up our medical directory.

If you have an insurance policy with us, you are free to choose your own doctor's health insurance or the medical centre you prefer from among the more than 45,000 professionals listed in our medical team.
In this way, you will be the one who chooses which GP or specialist you trust the most to request your consultation or to carry out medical or surgical tests related to your state of health.
On the other hand, if what you want is to have total freedom to go to a medical professional, regardless of whether or not he or she is on our list of contracted doctors, you may be interested in opting for our Prestigio health insurance, as this option offers the possibility of requesting reimbursement of the expenses incurred for this type of consultation.
The medical list of your health insurance refers to all those doctors, practitioners medical centres, outpatient, hospital and dental care, to which you can have access during the validity of your policy.
Thus, you will be the one who freely decides which professional or medical centre you prefer to go to for your medical consultations or check-ups, based on your confidence, previous experience, references from other users or any other aspect, among all those included in our medical list.
You can consult the updated medical team at any time:
The Caser Salud App, by clicking on "Localizar Médico".
In the Customer Area.
On our website.
When you make your query digitally, you will be able to access this information in a completely up-to-date way, and you can select the doctor who is closest to you at any given moment. You can also search by type of service, medical speciality and location.
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