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Sport in Spain: 4 Autumn Workout Routines

October 29, 2019

One of the best things about living in Spain is the climate. No matter where you live in this country, the autumn months are considered some of the best. After the intense heat wave this summer, take advantage of the weekends and the fabulous fall weather to enjoy the outdoors.

You don´t need to wait until New Year´s to achieve your workout goals and do sport in Spain. Now that summer is over, it's time to create good habits for the upcoming season. Today, we´d like to suggest the best fall workout routines so you can stay fit all winter long.

Some people have a hard time going to the gym or sticking to a schedule. So we've come up with a list of activities you can do outdoors, while hanging out with your friends, right at home, or on the way to work. Remember, it doesn’t have to seem like exercise to get a workout.

Sport in Spain: Activities and Workout Routines for Autumn

1. Outdoor activities

If you live near the ocean or a lake, you´ll also be able to enjoy water sports such as sailing, kayaking or canoeing.

If you live near the beach, try activities like volleyball, a game of soccer, or power walking.

Live near the mountains? Try rock climbingThe best thing about these kinds of activities is that you get an excellent whole-body workout without even noticing it. 

Rock climbing is a sport in Spain you can do during autumn

2. Walking

If you have a dog, their daily walk can become your excuse to get more exercise. Walk a little further each day or play an energetic game of fetch.

If you´re meeting up friends, why not suggest walking while you catch up instead of getting together over food and drinks? Ideally, find a friend who you can buddy up with and keep motivated.

Remember, aerobics or cardio exercises are the best for burning calories and getting rid of the extra kilos. Good examples are walking or cycling because they boost your heart rate and build up endurance. This fall keep fit while taking nice walks or hikes and discover different parks, trails or bicycle paths.

3. Exercising at home

At home, you can stay fit by integrating exercises into your routines. You can remain active while you watch TV or make dinner. Using resistance bands, which also build up muscle, are excellent for a good workout. You can also do standing lunges, push-ups, sit-ups, tricep dips off the couch, or life weights.

These types of exercises are good to build up tone, strength and resistance and they deserve to be part of your workout. Introduce little exercises into your everyday activities. How? Take the stairs instead of the elevator, go on short walks during your lunch break,  move around every 30 minutes, etc. 

4. Yoga or Pilates

Sometimes the best activities include flexibility and stretching like yoga and Pilates. Most cities in Spain have plenty of yoga classes for beginners to more advanced participants. Maybe you'll achieve a little more zen this autumn!

Did you know that walking on uneven surfaces also helps improve balance? Take advantage of the fact you live in Spain and there are so many beautiful cobblestone streets to wander through while you stay fit.

Whatever workout you decide to do this fall, keep in mind that you´ll need a little bit of aerobics, flexibility, balance and strength to really enjoy a complete workout.

Sports in Spain like yoga are very popular indoors and outdoors

For those of you who don´t have trouble sticking to a schedule, remember that fall is a wonderful time to learn a new sport in Spain. Most classes begin this season so why not think of something you've always wanted to learn and stick with it? Whether its tennis, paddle or horseback riding, make sure it´s somewhere convenient so you can easily practice on your own, with friends and family. Discover 7 more tips for staying healthy! 

And in case of injury, you should always have the proper health insurance in Spain. Discover the guide below about our health insurance for young, active people:

Download Free Guide: Health Insurance for Active People

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