November 27, 2019
February 8, 2017
To inform you about your move to Valencia, I have to go back over a decade. Moving to Valencia was the best decision I have ever made; it changed my life completely. At the same time it was not as difficult as I suspected. The biggest step is to make the decision and stick with it. It is also gratifying to clean up and throw away things that were not important to you, whether they be material things or even your friends (your true friends will stay in touch!) Discover my tips below!

1. Do research about moving to Valencia in expat groups
Don’t make the same mistakes everyone else already made before you. Try to learn from other expats. Start with the group Expats in Valencia. Ask around, look on Facebook for groups/people who made the same step and ask them about: where to live, the best schools, for work, social clubs, etc. You can ask them everything and you will see that most of them really like to share their story and help you with everything you want.
2. Learn Spanish a.k.a. castellano
It is essential to learn the language. I know from my own experience that this can be really hard, especially if you are at a certain age and don't have a Spanish partner. Learn the grammar at a language school in Valencia and combine it with small talk on the streets and in a bar. You'll find that watching Spanish television helps. Keep in mind that regions like Valencia also have a local dialect besides castellano, so you may want to learn some words in this dialect.
Check out this list of the best Spanish slang expressions you should learn.
3. Make friends with locals and expats alike
Make friends. This sounds easy, but it is not. You don’t go out there and make friends. The tip is really that you should join a group. It doesn’t matter what kind of group. If you like basketball or volley, you join a team. Do you prefer dancing, get yourself out their on the dance floor for some dancing lessons. Lindy hop is one of the most popular dances in Valencia right now. Take a cooking class or an art class. Just make sure you belong to a group with people with the same interest. It really helps making friends, whether they be locals or expats.
4. Find a job in Valencia, Spain
Some of you might be lucky to bring your work over here. That’s great. Remember that the wages are much lower here than in many other countries, although in Valencia the expenses are lower too. If you have to find work, remember that speaking English (and another language, like Dutch in my case) can be a real advantage. Many international companies are looking for someone like you. You will see Valencia is more then only oranges and tourism. And don’t let you get down with all the negative talk about unemployment.
5. Get your paperwork done in order to move to Valencia
Make sure that the paperwork is all done within the first few weeks after your arrival. I choose to ask for help with that and I am really glad that I did. It can be tricky and time-consuming. You need a personal idenfication number called the NIE, registration with the municipality (empadronamiento), bank account (cuenta bancaria) and a social security number (número de seguridad social). Marja Beerens from Match Better can help you if you're based in Valencia.
Good luck on the great journey you’re about to make. Remember that it’s better to take the risk and fail, than regret you never followed your dreams. If you can't wait to move to Valencia, discover all the requirements for living in Spain in the guide below:
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