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Everything you need to know about car theft claim process in Spain

March 27, 2024

Driving in Spain is one of the best ways to see the country of Spain, despite having one of the most comprehensive public and private transportation system that reaches nearly every corner of the country. An estimated 38 million vehicles are registered in Spain – two thirds of which are cars – and car insurance is an absolute necessity if you wish to circulate Spain’s extensive road network with one.

car theft claim process in spain for your vehicle

When shopping for car insurance, should you consider taking out additional theft coverage? And in the event that your car does get stolen, what does the car theft insurance claim process entail? Further, how can I protect myself from falling victim to car theft?


An introduction to car insurance in Spain

Car insurance in Spain can typically be sorted into three different categories and levels of coverage; no matter how you insure your vehicle, you absolutely must have automotive insurance to take the wheels on the road.

  • Third-Party Damage (a terceros): The least expensive and least comprehensive plan available in Spain, this is the minimum legal requirement when driving a vehicle. It covers any damages to other people and their property; you will be responsible for any damage to your person or property.

  • Third-Party Fire and Theft (a terceros con incendio o robo o ampliado): With this coverage, you’ll have added protection against fire and/or theft to your vehicle.

  • Comprehensive coverage (todo riesgo): Full coverage for all sorts of incidents, including damage to you and your vehicle, regardless of whose fault the accident was.

Do you need theft protection? Consider that in Spain, 120 cars a day are stolen, which is 42.000 stolen cars a year! Spain is the third on the list of European countries with the most stolen cars. It is not surprising that about two-thirds of all car insurance policies include theft coverage, according to UNESAP.

My car has been stolen – now what? What to know about the car theft claim process in Spain.

Though it may seem impossible, car theft could happen to you. And if it does, what is the car theft claim process in Spain like?

Before you jump to conclusions, you should first be sure that your car has simply not been towed away because you parked it in a prohibited zone (or even if you have unpaid debts to the lease company). If your car has been impounded, the towing company will have left a bright orange sticker near to the place from which the car was towed. This will be right on the curb or a nearby light post or street sign. Remember that, in Spain, it is illegal to park in front of a garage entrance (vado), in a crosswalk, where yellow lines are present and in specific bus and taxi lanes. There may also be blue paid parking or green resident parking with certain restrictions.

Once you have determined that your car has indeed been stolen and not merely towed, call local police immediately to report the theft. You will need to give them a number of data to help identify the car, such as the make, model and year, the color, the approximate number of kilometers as well as any possessions in the car at the time.

With the police report in hand, you can call the claims office of your insurance provider. Remember that all cars must have viable insurance to be on the road in Spain. You will need to provide the following: 

•    The police report 

•    Car keys

•    Copy of your residency document (DNI or TIE)

•    Proof of having paid local road taxes for the calendar year (impuesto de circulación)

•    Proof of report from your local traffic delegation (Direccion General de Tráfico) to release you from paying the impuesto de circulación. You can read how at  this link

•    If you are leasing or renting the car, you must inform the company of the theft and include the company’s contact information.

With all Spanish insurance companies, you have a 30-day waiting period before they accept that the car is missing or stolen – and this will mean that you won’t have your own wheels. Only after that period you can start the insurance claim. Any compensation, of course, depends on the coverages and conditions of your car insurance policy. You may have to rent or buy a car in the meantime, and possibly at your own cost.

My car has turned up, but with damages. What’s the next step?

Call your insurance company as well as the local police to let them know that your car has been found first.

If you have already received compensation from the insurance company for the missing property, you can choose to keep the car and refund the money or keep the money and leave the car to the insurance company. If you decide to keep the car but it has been damaged, the insurance company will have to send a car expert to evaluate the damage incurred. Depending on your insurance coverage policy, you may or may not have to pay for any refurbishment work.

man driving thinking on car theft claim process in spain

You have a car and need to contract insurance. Now what?

Caser Seguros, a reference in the insurance world in Spain, offers all levels of car insurance for your vehicle, including additional services.

Some of those helpful products can come in handy while you work on the car theft claim process in Spain:

  • Asistencia Más offers the insured party the right of a rental car for a limited number of days. The exact amount depends on the reason you need a rental car. If you contract this coverage directly at the start of your insurance, the cost for this coverage is 15-20 euro extra a year and can be a real life safer if you depend on the insured car for work or recreation.

  • Civil Liability coverage.

  • Roadside assistance so that you can be safely picked up and transported to your destination in case your car breaks down while in transit.

  • Caser Autohelp automatically detects an accident and sends emergency services your way.


There may be factors that drive your insurance policy’s rate, such as your age, driving history, the type of vehicle, as well as the conditions with which you will be operating the vehicle (estimated kilometers a year, if the car will be stored on get a car insurance quote online the street or in a covered garage, which province you live in etc.). Remember to get a car insurance quote online for your car insurance or work directly with a broker for the best coverage and rate.

Looking for ways to save on your car insurance? Consider bundling with other products, such as home or health, and don’t forget that there are safe driver discounts for years incurred with no claims filed. Driving safely pays off!

Tips from police to ensure your car isn’t a theft victim

In Spain News reports that car thefts in the country increased by 17% in 2022, with about 31,000 theft claims filed. About three-fourths of these vehicles are never recovered but stripped for parts and sold off.

Spain’s Interior ministry make a few suggestions to ensure that your car won’t be one of them: always park in a high-traffic and well-lit area, preferably in a straight line and never leave valuables in sight.

If your car has been stolen and also a location device, you should contact the company that can see where your car is, so they might find it for you. Never go after a stolen car yourself; instead, contact the police with this information.

For more information related to car theft claim process in Spain, read more about Caser's car insurance options here or via the guide below.


Download Free Guide:  How to choose  Third Party Car Insurance

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