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Dog liability insurance for renters in Spain

Written by Cinthia Prida | Jul 10, 2024 7:10:00 AM

If you have a pet, and even more so if your pet is a dog, you have probably thought about how to protect it. You've probably thought about how to look after its nutrition, its appearance, its training and you've also looked for a vet you can trust. But have you thought about protecting what surrounds your dog?

When you adopt or buy a dog, you not only start to be responsible for its life, but also for its behaviour. You love your dog because he plays with you and shows you affection, but you also have to love him when he breaks your shoes. What if he breaks a window? What if I'm renting and the dog tears up the parquet floor? That's when dog liability insurance for renters comes into play. If you're not sure what we're talking about, read on because in this article we'll talk about this compulsory insurance and its advantages.

Civil liability insurance

If you have not yet taken out civil liability insurance, you will be interested in the information we are going to give you. If you already have one, it might be a good opportunity for you to compare the extent of your coverage and check if you and your pet are really covered against future accidents.

The first thing you should know is that civil liability insurance for dogs is compulsory under the new Spanish animal welfare Act of 2023. This includes all dogs, regardless of breed and weight. In addition, Spanish law stipulates the civil liability of pet owners for damages that their pets may cause to third parties. This is stipulated in  article 1905 of the Spanish civil code.

According to the company and the type of policy you have, the coverage will vary, but you should always be covered for damages that the dog may cause. Imagine yourself living in a flat or a rented house and your dog damages the paintwork or furniture in the house. If you did not have insurance, as the pet owner you would be responsible for all the costs, and in addition, you would have to pay the corresponding fine for not having the compulsory insurance as set in the Animal welfare Act. In other words, by contracting an insurance for your pet can avoid that you incur in a large outlay of money.

A great advantage of having this insurance is that, by law, the policy must have a minimum coverage of 120,000 euros. In this way, it will be possible to meet possible compensation claims from third parties, as well as the basic costs of repairs, administrative costs, etc.

As usual, this type of insurance can have additional coverage, such as veterinary expenses, legal services, etc. It all depends on the type of insurance you choose.

Is dog liability insurance for renters necessary?

The damage caused by our dog could be serious, let´s think, for example of the damage that dangerous dogs could cause to other people. Bites or attacks on children and adults, destruction of property of high sentimental value, etc. In any of these cases, as owners of the animal, we will have to face the consequences.

The first consequences we all think of are the financial consequences. First of all, the lack of insurance means that we have to reimburse all the damages suffered by the third party. On top of that, there is the administrative fine regarding the lack of compliance with the obligation to insure your dog. In this regard, the fine can be a sum between €500 and €10,000, depending on the seriousness of the damage caused by our dog.

Bearing in mind that the average cost of this type of insurance is low (between 60 and 80 euros per year), it is not worth the risk.  

In addition to the economic issue, we must not forget the peace of mind that comes from knowing that we have insurance that protects us, and those third parties who have been harmed by our pets. Moreover, if you are an expatriate living in a rented property, you will have noticed that landlords are particularly demanding when it comes to the care of the property, especially if there are pets or small children.

Does home insurance include dog liability insurance?

If you have already taken out a home insurance policy, you are probably wondering whether it includes civil liability for your dog. Although this is not always the case, it is a possibility. Some companies include what they call RC (civil liability) in their home insurance, but you should take a close look at the coverage of your policy.

In the case of Caser insurance, if you take out their home insurance policies Hogar Esencial, Hogar Integral or Hogar Prestigio you will see that these policies include civil liability, in addition to the basic coverage of home insurance (theft, handyman service, computer assistance, fire, flood damage, etc.) Caser Home Insurance covers damage caused by your pets, and we are not only talking about dogs, but also includes cats, tortoises, rodents, etc.

But if we are talking about dogs, you should bear in mind that breeds considered dangerous are not included, such as Pit Bull Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Rottweiler, Dogo Argentino, Fila Brasileño, etc. The coverage of dangerous breeds is optional, so you will have to include in your policy the Civil liability dangerous dog option.

So that you can check exactly what is covered, you can see the details on the Caser home insurance page.

As you may have noticed, Dog liability insurance for renters is not a luxury for a tenant, quite the contrary. As well as being compulsory, it is necessary for the peace of mind of the pet owner and his family, and also for the peace of mind of the owner of the rented property. Take out your insurance and forget about scratches on the parquet and skirting boards, broken windows and stained living room paintwork.

If you already have home insurance, don't forget to check the coverages to see if you and your pets are protected. And if not, take a look at the insurance policies that Caser Expat Insurance has available for expats living in Spain like you. If you have any doubts or queries regarding these insurances and their coverage, don't hesitate to contact us, we'll be happy to help you.