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Coverage and solutions for bruxism with Caser

June 21, 2023

According to statistics for the year 2023, 23% of the Spanish population suffers from bruxism. It may not seem a very high percentage to you, but if we take into account that in 2019 only 6% of Spaniards suffered from it, it becomes clear that this health problem is increasing and at a dizzying pace.

Bruxism affects both children and adults and can manifest itself through different symptoms. Whether you already suffer from this condition, or you are not sure exactly about what it is or how to identify it, this article could be of help to you. We will look at the causes and possible solutions for bruxism.

Coverage and solutions for bruxism with Caser

What is bruxism

First of all, we should say that bruxism is a condition characterized by unconscious teeth grinding. Continuous clenching of the teeth, especially at night, may lead to serious dental health problems. Some people notice its most obvious effects, such as wear of the dental enamel or the appearance of broken or cracked teeth.

Symptoms of bruxism

If you don't already suffer from it, you are probably wondering what the most common symptoms of bruxism are and how you can find out if it is affecting you or not. As usual, the best way to be sure is to visit the dentist, who is the proper professional to diagnose this condition. But to get a rough idea about bruxism, let's see what some of the warning signs might be.

Pain when waking up: Especially if we talk about nocturnal bruxism, it is common to notice pain in the jaw area, neck and even shoulders when you wake up. These aches are the direct result of the tension produced by clenching the teeth during your sleep. Headaches are also a frequent consequence.

Tinnitus or ear ringing: If you often notice ringing or noise in your ears (which do not come from an external source), it could also be caused by bruxism.

Insomnia or interrupted sleeping: The tension produced by clenched teeth can also affect the quality of your sleep. Waking up during the night, early or with the feeling of not having rested are signs that you need to take into account.

Dental sensitivity and inflammation: In addition to the signs that can be seen, such as the loss of enamel that turns our teeth yellower, or even transparent as they lose thickness, we can also notice an excess of sensitivity in the teeth when in contact with certain substances. Another additional symptom is inflammation of the gums.

Noise: This may be the most obvious symptom, especially to those around us. When we clench our teeth, the friction between them and the movement of the jaw produce a sound or squeaking that will be evident both to us and to those who are close to us.

Causes of bruxism

Why does bruxism appear? Why is it increasingly common in the adult population? Although there are several specific risk factors that can be associated with bruxism, other factors can be commonly found among the general population. 

The first cause is stress. High levels of anxiety, worries and nervous tension are often behind teeth grinding. In fact, the COVID pandemic that emerged at the end of 2019 greatly triggered bruxism cases in Spain and worldwide.

Another cause, this one of physical origin, is dental malocclusion, that is, the misalignment of our teeth. It can also have a neurological origin, as a consequence of diseases such as Parkinson's disease.

There are also other contributing factors to bruxism, such as the consumption of certain substances, ranging from antidepressants to drugs, alcohol or caffeine. 

In any case, the causes of bruxism are so broad that in many cases it is not possible to find the direct source of the problem. Therefore, the best thing to do is to detect it in time and to take care of its treatment.

Coverage and solutions for bruxism with Caser

Solutions for bruxism

To detect this problem quickly and alleviate the effects of bruxism, it is essential to have good dental coverage. Having a dentist, you can trust is crucial when it comes to choosing a treatment and carrying out regular check-ups.

In case you don't have dental insurance yet, you can take a look at Caser Dental Insurance Services, as you can choose between different insurance packages: Essential Smile or Perfect Smile. In any of its modalities, you will have 24 hours assistance, reimbursement of pharmacy costs and diagnosis test with dentascan. In addition, these dental insurances have no age limit, so the dental health of any member of the family can be protected thanks to these services. Check our article about dental kids care: Children's dental services with Caser Expat Insurance

And what are the available solutions for bruxism? Dentists usually prescribe a bite splint for the patient to wear while sleeping. This splint is a plastic mould that is placed in the mouth to protect the teeth from chafing and also to relax the jaw. These splints require periodic adjustments and it is important for the dentist to choose the right type of splint for each patient.

Beyond the dental consultation, it is also recommended to consult a physiotherapist to help us change our posture and relax the affected musculature.

And finally, since bruxism is associated with nervous tension, it is always advisable to avoid exciting substances such as coffee, alcohol or caffeinated soft drinks.

Today we know that approximately 20% of adults suffer from bruxism, although this figure is a guess, given the difficulty in diagnosing the total number of cases. If you think you may be one of the many undiagnosed cases in Spain, do not hesitate to visit your dentist to get a diagnosis and the right treatment for you.

And as usual, if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to write to us and we will get in touch with you to try to help you in any way we can. Remember that dental health is as important as any other branch of medicine, and that regular checkups improve the quality of life of patients. See you next time!

Download Free Guide:  How to choose good Dental Insurance

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