When we’re far from home or settling into a new one, having a dog can really make all the difference in that adjustment. They don’t call them, “man’s best friend,” for nothing! But you may be surprised to learn that in Spain, being a dog owner isn’t as easy as simply owning a dog. There are more requirements and obligations that dog owners have–especially with the latest Animal Protection Law which came into effect in August of 2022.
Not only that, but if you’re bringing a furry friend into a new home, you may also be interested in what that will mean for your home insurance policy. If, on the contrary, you are renting an apartment, it is most certainly best practice to first speak with your landlord, as they may also have specific requirements for tenants bringing pets into the building. If you are a renter, keep reading to find out what kind of insurance you need specifically.
Perhaps you’re a new dog owner or maybe you’ve just toyed with the idea of getting a dog, you may be thinking, “what are the rules for having a dog in Spain and how might these friendly creatures affect my home insurance policies?” Read on for everything you need to know about home insurance with dogs.
Of course, It may come as a surprise to many expats that Spain has so many requirements and legal obligations for dog owners. Especially if you come from the US where there aren’t many obligations for dog owners aside from updated rabies vaccinations. The UK has a bit more stringent requirements, also including mandatory microchipping in addition to updated rabies vaccines, but neither compares to Spain. The legal requirements for owning a dog in Spain are:
The first distinction that should be made here is that there are two separate types of insurance that you may want to consider for your dog in Spain. As mentioned above, all dog owners must have civil responsibility insurance, regardless of any other insurance they choose to have. However, depending on your situation as well as you and your dog’s needs, you may want something more complete.
As a homeowner, the answer to the question of the best home insurance with dogs really depends on what exactly you’re looking for your insurance to cover. Caser Expat Insurance offers a range of home insurance policies that cover all needs and budgets, so your first step is taking some time to do some research, speak to an agent, and find the one that makes the most sense for you and your home.
Remember: even if you are currently renting and do not own the home or apartment where you’re living in Spain, you could still be held responsible for damages you cause. Caser Expat Insurance has a multitude of options for renter’s insurance that also cover third party damage and civil responsibility, in case your dog is in an altercation with someone on your property.
When it comes to dog owners, the state-mandated insurance for dogs mentioned above refers to an insurance that covers third party damage that your pet may cause to other people or property. When choosing your home insurance policy and you speak to an agent, you want to make sure to tell them that you own a dog and want property damage protection, or, protección frente a daños de enseres included in your policy.
IMPORTANT: If you have a dog breed that is considered potentially dangerous, you will need to take out separate civil responsibility insurance. None of the Caser home insurance options cover potentially dangerous dog breeds.
If you are not in the market for home insurance, but you're the kind of dog owner that goes to the vet diligently or perhaps has a dog with special needs or a chronic illness, (or just wants to avoid paying the 34 euro average cost of a check-up), Caser Expat Insurance has comprehensive and inclusive pet insurance with no waiting periods or breed or health exclusions. This insurance covers everything from veterinary consultations, public liability, legal fees, rabies vaccines, 24-hour consultations, discounts on hundreds of operations, and more. All of Caser’s pet insurance policies cover the civil responsibility requirement for dog owners in Spain.
As an expat in Spain, whether you just arrived or you’ve been here for years, it is always of vital importance to understand the requirements, laws and systems in place in order to be able to know everything you can do and need to do to be a responsible citizen in your new country and your new home. Having a dog comes with consequences and legal responsibilities in Spain that may not be the same as in your home country, but when it comes down to it, we all just want the best for our homes and our families–and of course dogs are included in that family. No one expects difficult situations, but many times they are impossible to avoid, which is why the security of excellent insurance that covers every unforeseen circumstance is truly priceless.