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Car breakdown cover in Spain

February 15, 2024

One of the most common, and at the same time most dreaded, unforeseen events are car breakdowns. They arrive at the most inopportune time, ruin your plans for the day (or week) and cause a huge hole in your pocket. Whether you're a novice driver or you've had a car all your life, at some point you'll find yourself frustrated, staring at your car and not knowing what's going on or how to solve it.

That's why in this article we'll talk about what the most common causes of breakdowns are, why car breakdown cover in Spain is important,  and we will give you some tips on what you can do in such situations. To begin with, apart from being patient and taking some basic precautions, it is important that your insurance policy is up to date. But I don't want to anticipate any further, so get a pencil and paper and make a note of it before you get behind the wheel.

Man driving thinking about car breakdown cover in Spain

The most common car breakdowns

Whether you have an electric car, a hybrid, or the car you inherited from your father and that you love more than you trust, you need to be prepared for a breakdown. Problems can start with a little noise that keeps repeating and you don't know where it's coming from, or they can catch you in the middle of a journey and have serious consequences. Here's a short list of common problems. Can you spot any of them?

  1. 1. Electrical problems

Cars manufactured and sold these days tend to make electrical systems the basis of their operation. We usually see this as another sign of the great technological advance we are experiencing, but we should also be aware that electrical faults account for around 17% of all breakdowns - a large percentage of the total.

The good news is that, generally, this type of failure does not put the occupants of the vehicle at risk. Even so, we will have to be vigilant in order to avoid major problems.

  1. 2. The battery

  2. This problem is probably familiar to you, whether you drive or not. How many times have you heard someone say "I left the car lights on and the battery ran out"? Or maybe you haven't heard it and it's happened to you. Surprising as it may seem, battery problems are one of the most common problems on the road, and they are often avoidable. In other words, they are often the direct responsibility of the driver.

Batteries have a useful life of between 3 and 5 years, and to avoid problems, it is vitally important to have them checked periodically. In this way, we will be sure to check the charge of the battery, and we will be able to go out on the road with peace of mind. For your reference, you should do this check every 10,000km.

  1. 3. The engine

  2. Speaking of servicing, if there's one part of the car that needs servicing like we need air to breathe, it's the engine. What we normally consider the heart of the car has many parts and elements, which translates into multiple potential problems.

The most common ones have to do with cooling, filters, timing belts and lubrication. Paying attention to the engine during visits to the garage will not only reduce the risk of accidents, but also save money. As always, prevention is better than cure.

  1. 4. Tyres and brakes

  2. You may be surprised to learn that tyre-related problems are on the podium of the most frequent breakdowns. To prevent tyres from becoming a headache, you need to be aware of the right time to replace them. Keeping an eye on tyre wear, unusual bulges or marks, as well as tyre pressure will help you determine the right time to change them and avoid unpleasant moments with your car.

On the other hand, it remains to be said that driving with brake problems is a huge risk for the driver and everyone around him. Brake pads usually have a fairly long service life. However, they also wear out over time, so it is advisable to check them regularly to ensure they are in perfect working order.

In addition to these breakdowns, we could name some others just as frequent, such as oil leaks, or worse, fuel leaks. I'm sure you've seen your car leaking and all the alarms have rung all the alarm bells. It could be water or some other liquid, but in any case, you will need to visit the garage and fix the problem.

Finally, there are also frequent breakdowns related to the heating/air conditioning system. As with the rest of the breakdowns, the best way to prevent them is to have regular checks to ensure that the car is in good condition. Once the problem has arisen, the best thing to do is to take out good insurance.

Car breakdown cover in Spain view out of car window

Car breakdown cover in Spain: the importance of good insurance.

If you live in Spain or have recently moved to this corner of the Mediterranean, you should know about car breakdown cover in Spain. If you are thinking of taking out good insurance, Caser's car insurance is at your fingertips. With Caser Expat Insurance you will have access to different covers, and you can choose your plan according to your needs.

The most popular version of this insurance is the Extended Third-Party option, which includes compulsory third-party liability insurance and also protects your car against theft and fire. But if what you want is to be covered in case of serious mechanical breakdown, your best option is Comprehensive. In any case, you can go to this link where you will find all the information about the different policies, so you can compare and decide which one is the most convenient for you. Once you have checked all the products, don’t forget to get your personalized quote.

As we have said before, "Prevention is better than curing". It is important that you check your car regularly and make proper use of it. And as you may have noticed, I don't mean obsessively looking after your car's upholstery (although that's your right), but rather looking after the interior and exterior of your car in equal measure. If you have any questions or comments, don't forget to contact us. See you next time!

Download Free Guide:  How to Choose Car Insurance in Spain

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