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Can Auto Insurance Cover Hit-and-Run Accidents?

December 4, 2024

The definition of a hit-and-run is exactly what it sounds like; a collision, crash or road accident where a driver flees the scene without stopping to help, give information or contact the police. Essentially, they run away without accepting any responsibility for the problem they have caused.

Hit-and-run is considered a serious motoring offence, and drivers who fail to stop or report an accident face a range of criminal punishments. Depending on the severity of the accident, these punishments could be anything from penalty points and an unlimited fine, to disqualification from driving or even imprisonment.

But how common are hit-and-run accidents? And why do they happen?

It’s quite hard to find current official statistics, but comprehensive research commissioned by the Motor Insurers Bureau (MIB) in the UK, identified that there were around 17,000 hit-and-run accidents in the UK in 2017, equating to 12% of road accidents. A further report commissioned by the MIB was carried out by the Department of Criminology at the University of Leicester, with a pool of 695 drivers convicted of ‘hit and run’ offences. This revealed the following key statistics;

  • 45% of defendants involved in the study didn’t think the incident they fled from was serious enough to report or were unaware of the legal requirement to report it.
  • Older drivers (aged 34+) were more likely to leave the scene of an accident if they didn't think it was serious enough to report.
  • Younger drivers (aged 16-34) cited that they left the scene because they panicked or feared the consequences, were not insured, or had been drinking.

However, there is a glimmer of hope on the horizon, as the research also revealed that 50% of the convicted hit and run drivers they surveyed were traced using information provided by witnesses of the accident, including pedestrians and other drivers.

Therefore, if you are victim of a hit-and-run accident, one of the most important and imperative actions to carry out is to get the details of anyone who was witness to the incident, as they can provide useful information to the police and insurance companies who will be involved in investigating the crime and fulfilling any subsequent insurance claims.

A friend explains to others about his auto insurance that covers hit-and-run accidents.

So, with that in mind, what steps should you take if you are involved in a hit-and-run accident?

It's important to stay calm and act quickly to ensure your safety and also to help facilitate the subsequent official police or insurance investigations.

  1. 1. Move to safety: If possible, move your vehicle to a safe location away from traffic.
  3. 2. Check for injuries: Assess yourself and others for injuries.
  5. 3. Call emergency services: Request an ambulance if anyone is hurt, or police assistance if the aftermath of the accident is causing an obstruction.
  7. 4. Gather information: Note the details of the hit-and-run vehicle (make, model, colour, license plate) and the direction it headed. And if possible, the appearance of the driver (gender, age, clothing). If you have a dashcam, check the footage and make sure it is saved.
  9. 5. Look for witnesses: If there were any independent witnesses, such as passing pedestrians or other motorists who have stopped to assist you, ask them for their contact information and if they can note down any relevant information regarding the sequence of events, the other vehicle and driver description.
  11. 6. Document the scene: Take photos of the accident scene, any damage to vehicles or physical injuries, and any other relevant details that you think could be useful.
  13. 7. Contact the police: If you don’t require or receive police assistance at the time of the event, you should still report the incident at your local police station as soon as possible. They will provide you with a crime reference number.
  15. 8. Contact your insurance company: Inform your insurer about the incident as soon as possible, and provide them with all the information and documentation you've gathered.

A travel car that has auto insurance covering hit-and-run accidents.

So, does auto insurance cover hit-and-run accidents?

As I mentioned above, if you are the victim of a hit-and-run accident, you should report the incident to the police to get a crime reference number and contact your insurer immediately. Don’t delay, as often insurers have clauses included in their policies that you must inform them within 24 hours of an incident.

Your insurance company will require the crime reference number and any other additional information you can give, such as photographs, witness statements or contact information. The sooner they have this information, they sooner they can send out a representative to assess the damage to your vehicle, and/or start to investigate and process your claim.

Your auto-insurance policy should cover damage caused by a hit-and-run accident and any medical treatment required if you have full/comprehensive insurance, and if you make a claim it usually won’t increase your subsequent premium. However, if you only have a 3rd party (liability) insurance policy, all damages and expenses may not be covered by your policy. This will vary between insurers and may be dependent on whether your policy includes any specific additional clauses or benefits, such as collision cover, uninsured motorist cover, legal/medical payments cover or personal injury protection.

Caser Seguros offer specialist auto-insurance cover for expats, with support from advisors who speak English and can help you choose the best policy, and answer any questions you may have regarding the level of cover you will have in the event of an incident, whether you are at fault, or the victim of another road-user´s actions.

You can choose from Basic Third Party, Extended Third Party, Comprehensive/Full cover and there is even an option called Coche x Coche insurance which is special type of insurance coverage specially related to providing a car replacement. This insurance is compatible with all insurers, with no need to change company or cancel your current car insurance, so it's the perfect add-on to any third-party insurance policy. This gives you benefits, even if you have a third-party insured car, if you are involved in a traffic accident and the responsible party flees the scene.

In addition, all levels of Caser auto-insurance include Caser's Autohelp which provides accident assistance by connecting you to a rescue team in the event of an accident. Upon detecting a collision a small device placed in your car will urgently report your location to emergency services, giving you extra support and providing you the crucial time to immediately speak to anyone who may be a witness in a hit-and-run accident.

This collision detector technology is not the only thing that can help you in a hit-and-run situation. In general, people nowadays are much more aware that their actions could be caught on camera, either by public highway CCTV or private dashcam footage. Indeed, another good thing about technological advances is that dashcam technology acts as a deterrent for hit-and-run, and provides crucial evidence for investigations should another driver flee the scene. So, if you haven’t done so already, investing in a dash cam could be a useful addition to your vehicle to help keep you covered if this unfortunate event ever happens while you are on the road.

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