November 16, 2021
June 5, 2019
On occasions, what you learn in a language school or in a book isn’t enough for you to be able to hold your own on the street. You’ll only hear these curious expressions in informal situations on the street or in bars. Typical Non Spanish will familiarize you with the Spanish expressions that make perfect sense to Spaniards, but might leave you feeling confused. Here's to not getting lost in translation!

Curious Spanish Expressions and their Translations
Coser y cantar – A piece of cake
This expression, which literally means "sewing and singing", is used when something is extremely simple. Other very similar equivalents would be: “Está chupado", o "Está tirado” , equivalent in English to “it’s a cinch” or "a breeze.”
Montar un pollo – To kick up a fuss, or literally translated as “ride a chicken”
We use this expression to say that something has caused a huge fuss or sparked a huge commotion. We aren’t talking about riding the most common bird on the planet, and although it is admitted into the Real Academia Española dictionary spelled with two “ll”s, it actually originates more from the word “poyo”, referring to the stone bench often found outside many houses. This word in turn is derived from the Latin ‘podium’, the podium on which orators would stand in squares to give speeches which would often result in real scandals. You will find yourself in the situation of montar un pollo when you feel outraged about something and want to claim your rights.
El quinto pino – Very far away
This expression is usually used to indicate that something is very far away.
One thing that’s certain is that “el quinto pinto”, the fifth pine tree, exists, or at least it did exist on what today is the Paseo de Recoletos boulevard in Madrid. As the phrase would suggest, there were five of these so-called ‘pinos’, pine trees. These were very separated from each other, the first one being at the beginning of the Paseo de Recoletos, close to Atocha station, and the fifth one being in what now is Nuevos Ministerios. The first tree would be closest to the city centre, while the fifth was too far away, and no one usually went that far along the Paseo de Recoletos. Only lovers would meet under the fifth pine tree in order to be together and steal forbidden kisses from each other. Other people would usually meet where the first or second pine tree were. Thus, to be in the “quinto pinto” means that something was very far away, even for a Madrileno.
Tomar el pelo - To pull someone's leg
This is the equivalent of the English phrase “you’re pulling my leg!”, so we use it when somebody is laughing at someone or tricking them. The phrase is informal: we use it in informal situations with family and friends. It refers to when someone is making a joke at your expense. It’s also used in reaction to a particular situation.
Se ve el plumero - To see someone's intentions
When we learn of someone having a hidden agenda, we say “se ve el plumero” literally that we "see their feather duster". It is close to the English phrase “see their true colours”.
The term’s origin is closely linked to politics, in particular to the liberals of the early 19th century. After the Cadiz Constitution – popularly known as La Pepa - was established in 1812, the Milicia National (National Militia) was formed, whose members defended progressive ideas and wore caps with a plume of feathers on top, which made them visible from afar.
Hacer la pelota - To suck up to someone
This expression, in English something like "to play ball", refers to flattering somebody or showering them with compliments for personal gain.
This expression is said to originate in the name that was given to prostitutes, "pelota" (ball). This is thought to be because they were women who were passed among men, and as part of their job they usually flattered their clients and made them feel important, being nice to them. Nowadays, "pelota" is not used as a synonym for prostitute, but the expression is quite common!
Ponerse las botas - To eat a lot until completely satisfied
When someone indulges in one of their greatest pleasures. We use this expression, which literally translates to "put your boots on", particularly in gastronomic terms: when someone is having a slap-up meal, for instance.
The connection between boots and decadence can be explained by the fact that in the old days, owning boots made from leather was only something within reach of the upper classes. Thus, owning boots was always associated with wealth.
A buenas horas, mangas verdes - Too little too late
We use this expression when the solution to a problem arrives too late, since the problem has already been solved. It is sarcastic, as it says "a good time now, Green Sleeves".
In this case, the phrase’s origin dates to the 15th and 19th centuries. “Green sleeves” connoted the group leaders or “cuadrilleros” of the Santa Hermandad brotherhood, a police body whose uniform comprised a leather waistcoat under which a green shirt, and more noticeably, its green sleeves could be seen. Cuadrilleros went around in groups of four and were responsible for arresting and incarcerating wrongdoers. They went about these duties not always with the greatest success, since often they would arrive on the scene to find the thieves had already absconded. This is how the phrase, “a buenas horas, mangas verdes” or “too little too late” (on the continent, the equivalent “mustard after dinner” is often used) came about.
Salvarse por los pelos – By the skin of your teeth
This expression translates literally as "by the hair", and it is said to be originated in the sailors who wore long ponytails. When enrolling on a ship, it was usually required to know how to swim. However, just in case, rookies were advised to wear long hair so in the event they fell into the water, they could be grabbed by the hair and pulled out and back on the ship. Wet skin was slippery and clothes could be torn off, so many experienced sailors also chose to wear long ponytails.
Nowadays, the expressions is used when someone has had a narrow escape from something, whether actually serious or just an everyday event, like catching something that was about to fall, or getting in the lift before the doors close.
La ocasión la pintan calva – Strike while the iron’s hot
We use this expression to mean there’s no sense in procrastinating, but that a situation calls for diligence and a decision to be made, in order not to miss out on opportunities that arise, since good ones don’t usually come around twice. It is also used in a more particular sense, when you have a particular opportunity and just take it.
This saying makes reference to a sculpture of the goddess Opportunity by Phidias, which the Greek sculptor depicted as balding from behind, but with a large mane of hair covering the front of her face. The expression implies that one must take advantage of the current situation: by embracing it head on, you’ll grasp the goddess by her hair, but if you let the opportunity pass you by – to the back of the neck – you’ll miss it.
If you liked this blog post, check out our list of 10 common Spanish expressions. If don't live in Spain and want to make the move, check out our Cost of Living Guide:
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